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Visual Scripting System

A expression evalator and python code emitter.

A Cross Platform Node Based Editor developed in QT C++. A builtin parser and transpiles node to python code.

Download Win64 Binaries


It usage absolutely zero third party libaries.


The Above Node Connection Generated the following code

def add(a,b):
 return a+b

def subtract(a,b):
 return a-b

def multiply(a,b):
 return a*b

print(multiply(add(9.8 ,11.7),subtract(11.7,9.6)))

Nodes are arranged in context menu

app context menu

Integrated Error System (Powered by Python Interpreter)


The UI consist of 3 parts:


->black background grid area , movable,zoomable and resizable area,draws all connection.


->base class of all operational Node entity , contains various properties and it store values and connections.

Node UI Components
 -> contain rewritten Label,NumberBox,TextBox,CheckBox ,Combobox, Port Connections etc.


  1. Right click on blackboard to bring context menu.
  2. Start Adding And Connecting node.
  3. When done Click on Result get button
  4. Message Box Display Output if python is installed and Path is set

  5. Currently output python file is generated at


A python transpiled (.py) file generated as output of Program.

QT Build

windeployqt --qmldir C:\Users\Path\Project\Operator  C:\Users\Path\ReleaseBinary\build-Operator-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_MinGW_64_bit-Release\release\operator.exe

Future Plans

Code Refactoring,Commenting and Code Cleanup
Reflections for more Nodes.
More UI Controls
Serialization And Deserialization of Nodes